Friday, September 30, 2011

E says.

Elliott has been talking to me about God a LOT lately. Some of the cutest things he's said/asked...

-He asked me how Jesus learns how to swim in our heart blood. Cute!

-He told me he wants to be God for Halloween... no clue what to do with that info!

-And today he told me on the way home that if I couldn't learn how to drive my car up to Heaven, that Jesus would come and pick us up in his airplane. LOVE it.

LOVE him.

Friday, September 16, 2011

E's Trains...

This kid LOVES trains! And boy can he draw them!!!

My babies...

1st day of BYCS.

We call Eva "The Possum" and this is what we call "Possum Rage."
Watching the tube together.

Love them.